Aurecon visitor declaration: COVID-19
For the safety of our staff and other visitors please complete the below visitor declaration form before coming into our offices. If you answer YES to any of the questions, please carry out the meeting with our people via phone, email or through other digital platforms (Skype, Zoom etc). This form is for all visitors, including visiting Aurecon employees from other offices. Thank you for your understanding.
Given Names: *
Surname: *
Course Name: *
Location: *
1.Have you travelled overseas in the past 14 days? *
2. To your best knowledge, have you or anyone you have been in close contact with: received a positive diagnosis of COVID-19? *
3. To your best knowledge, have you or anyone you have been in close contact with been suspected of having COVID-19? *
4. To your best knowledge, have you or anyone you have been in close contact with been or is in home self-isolation/quarantine during the last 14 days? *
5. Do you have any of following symptoms: fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, shortness of breath or breathing difficulties? *